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CASH FLOW! 🚀 - Emfino Super Feature #5

Updated: Apr 15

"How about CASH FLOW?" We get this question in almost every demo meeting we conduct.😊

YES, Emfino helps you to follow the CASH FLOWS for all your Group companies on daily basis! Cash flow reports are fully customizable to precisely fit your company's needs.

Here's how you can leverage Emfino to monitor cash flow and cash balances:

  • Every Company, One Report: View the Cash Flows of ALL your Group companies side by side in one comprehensive report.

  • Aggregated Insights: Want a total picture? Get an aggregated cash flow report of all legal entities, presented in a single report.

  • Individual Entity: Dive into the Cash Flows of specific legal entities when you need detailed insights.

  • Details: Cash Flow reports also allow drill downs right to the transaction level.🌀

Keep your financial team smiling 😊: benefit from automated CASH FLOW reports at your fingertips every day!

Emfino Super Feature #5 - CASH FLOW
Emfino Super Feature #5 - CASH FLOW

Examples of Cash Flow Statements in Emfino DEMO System:

1) All Group Companies at a Glance: All Group companies and their Cash Flows side by side in one report. If you have 50 legal entities in the Group - you will see all of them.

Use the 'All-in-one' report to monitor Cash Flow by legal entities on a daily basis. Usually, the automated transaction data imports take place during the night, and it might be the first thing to do at work - to generate the 'All-in-one' report and understand the current situation with cash balances.

Emfino Demo: Cash Flows of ALL Group companies in 'All-in-one' report
Emfino Demo: Cash Flows of ALL Group companies in 'All-in-one' report

2) Zoomed-In Monthly Details: The same 'All-in-one' report with expanded view of current month's Cash Flow statement.

Emfino Demo: Detailed view of Cash Flow Statement in 'All-in-one' report
Emfino Demo: Detailed view of Cash Flow Statement in 'All-in-one' report

3) Year-to-Date Insights: The 'All-in-one' report continues with YTD Cash Flow and Balance sheet information.

Emfino Demo: 'All-in-one' report continued with YTD Cash Flows
Emfino Demo: 'All-in-one' report continued with YTD Cash Flows

4) Aggregated Monthly Overview: A 'Monthly' report showing a summarized cash flow for all your Group companies. This gives you a summarized view of cash balances and monthly flows for the entire group.

Emfino Demo: Summarized Cash Flow for all Group companies in 'Monthly' report
Emfino Demo: Summarized Cash Flow for all Group companies in 'Monthly' report

5) Operational Cash Flow Details: Detailed view of Cash Flow to/from Operating activities in the Aggregated 'Monthly' report.

Emfino Demo: Detailed view of Cash Flow from Operating activities in the 'Monthly' report
Emfino Demo: Detailed view of Cash Flow from Operating activities in the 'Monthly' report

6) Investing & Financing Activities: Detailed view of Cash Flow to/from Investing & Financing activities in the Aggregated Cash Flow of the 'Monthly' report.

Emfino Demo: Detailed view of Cash Flow from/to Investing & Financing activities in the 'Monthly' report
Emfino Demo: Detailed view of Cash Flow from/to Investing & Financing activities in the 'Monthly' report

7) Single Entity Focus: Cash Flow Statement for Single legal entity in 'Monthly' report.

Emfino Demo: Cash Flow for Single entity in the 'Monthly' report
Emfino Demo: Cash Flow for Single entity in the 'Monthly' report

8) From Overview to Details: See something interesting in the cash flow report? Drill down to the exact transaction for clarity.

Emfino Demo: Drill down to dimension level
Emfino Demo: Drill down to dimension level
Emfino Demo: Drill down to transaction level
Emfino Demo: Drill down to transaction level


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